Photography has been a passion of mine since childhood.  Current interests pertain to both portraiture and fine art landscape photography.  Within the realm of portraiture, I generally employ a traditional approach to photographing my subjects, but also enjoy adding a creative flare to many portrait sessions; and have relatively recently taken to the underworld, offering unique underwater portrait sessions that take place during the warm summer months here in Redding.

An equal amount of time is dedicated to landscape photography, in which I particularly enjoy photographing my surroundings in beautiful northern California. That said, I routinely take photography trips throughout the US and beyond in an effort to broaden my reach.

I always strive for the highest quality of images possible, which entails the use of high resolution digital cameras, the sharpest of lenses, a wide array of studio lights and light modifiers, as well as cutting edge computer and graphics equipment, all of which get upgraded over time with evolving technologies.  Feel free to contact me at any time should you have any questions.